August 18 / 18 août

(version française plus bas)
All obvious bird references aside...
I have come across many a natural marvel in the vineyard - while doing some repetitve task or another - but this is the first time I have scared a mother bird off her eggs as I went by (she flew back after I was gone, I'm not a monster).
This was in a little Syrah, "La Bade" where I was working with Didier and our 15-year-old nephew, who, seeing me doing an elated bird's-eggs-dance-of-joy calmly said, "Do you want my iphone to take a picture?"
I love Jeoffrey for being an unimpressed teenager and for thinking of lending me his smartphone. I have no cell phone. I have a landline - cordless - but still plugged into the wall, because deep down I subscibe to a movement of my Uncle Richard's invention called "early man".
Didier has the "farmer's phone" - all of our friends who work in agriculture have one. - It's uncomplicated, indestructable - and it's red -fancy farmers! What it really has going for it is that it's waterproof so you can drop it in a wine vat, fish it out, dry it off and make a call to tell people about it.
That said, the bird's nest picture - with it's millions of pixels - is being published today thanks to a really cool teenager who had the LATEST technology in his pocket. (Okay he took a month and a half to send me the picture - but we're not counting.) I'll come around to technology... but for now - EARLY MAN!
Clin d’œil à l'oiseau...
J'en vois des merveilles naturelles à la vigne - quand je suis occupée à une quelconque tâche répétitive - mais c'est la première fois que mon passage fait s'envoler un oiseau qui couvait ses œufs dans la vigne (elle est revenue après - je ne suis pas un monstre, quand même).
Je travaillais à "La Bade", une petite parcelle de syrah, avec Didier et notre neveu de 15 ans, Jeoffrey, qui, me voyant exécuter une danse de la joie devant ma trouvaille, m'a dit calmement, "Tu veux mon iphone pour prendre une photo?"
Didier a le portable du paysan - tous nos copains qui travaillent dans l'agriculture ou l’élevage l'ont. C'est simple, indestructible et c'est rouge - chic! Son vrai point fort est que c'est étanche donc l'on peut, par exemple, le laisser tomber dans une cuve, le repêcher, l'essuyer, et appeler des gens pour raconter l'histoire.